Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Will Smart a Little

Cut lose. That was my message today and yesterday. It will feel to you as a sea creature may feel who has lost his mooring to the piling or dock he was attached to. Now do that many times a day, realize it accept it with God's grace. You are the vine attached to the branch but your connection is not what you think. You will find that connection when you let go of the dead moorings you're attached to.

A working example, there is a guy I know. I thought of him and was at peace with the world as long as I have him in a category. The whole world is cool but he must be put in a place that I want him and if he is not, I panic. Well, that's all wrong. I have to let go of the moorings, realize I am adrift but it is not really adrift, it is free from dead attachments. There I think I got it now that I have written it.

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